This is the main page, such as it is, for the CGI Bot that runs in the Google Assistant.


Pick a Web page you can control at a publicly-visible URL that can accept a request specified here as POST data and return plain text to be spoken. Start the CGI Bot in your Google Assistant and say or type "set handler", then the URL of this page. Changes you make to the page should be reflected immediately in the bot.

Note that if you invoke CGI Bot with one statement that includes a request, everything you say will go to the Web page, so you may have to strip off some "Tell CGI Bot..." prefixes.

Although it is using plain text, lines starting with \ will be ignored (though if they start with \\, it will be interpreted as one \ and returned as normal). These can be used for special commands. Right now the only one is \continue, which, if this is the only thing on a line, will make the bot not end the conversation after sending the response back.

Privacy and Data Use

The privacy policy is that this bot uses the Actions on Google SDK, and Firebase, so all of their privacy rules apply.

This bot allows you to log in by linking your Google account, and then store a URL that you specify in the Firebase real-time database. Only your account, and administrators for this bot, can access this URL.

Other uses of the bot will generate log messages visible to administrators of this bot and anyone on the server pointed to by the stored URL.

If you have questions, email